I find myself somewhat anxious as I sit to write this, my first blog entry. Frankly, I've intentionally remained oblivious to some of the modern trends of technology and their influences on communication because they didn't strike me as all that interesting. As it is, then, I've only recently become acquainted with blogging. So as I embark on my own blogging adventure, I wonder, "What if I don't do it the 'right' way?" Because that's been party of my make-up for so many years. Perfectionism. Fear of doing the wrong thing or failure to do the right thing. I find, though, that my anxious thoughts dissipate when I choose to remember a life-changing truth: I'm the most important person in the world, for I am, indeed, God's favorite! I realize this sounds like a brash expression of audacity and pomposity, but I assure you, it's not. It's a statement of conviction- a proclamation of truth shown to me by my Father- and it's made joyfully by one who, for so long, saw herself as "less than" and worthless. One who just wasn't quite up to par. What God has done in me and for me is no less than amazing and miraculous. You see, he healed my deepest heart wounds- those hurts buried so deep down inside me that I wanted no one to see but consistently seeped death into my spiritual bloodstream. He didn't do this for me because I was good enough; he did this because I'm his favorite. Being his favorite, then, makes me the most important person in the world. After all, this is GOD! Creator of the universe. Here's the thing, though: You, too, are God's favorite! I have two sons, and I love them both dearly. However, neither of them is my favorite. To prefer one over the other would be wrong. But I'm not God. Because of God's nature, each of us can personally and distinctly be his favorite without it effecting that distinction for someone else.
My prayer today:
Father, thanks that you love me because of who you are and who I am. Your love for me doesn't change when I blow it, nor does it change when I succeed. You delight in me because I'm yours! What security that brings when I am able to wrap my mind around it. I ask that each one of your favorites whom you are, at this moment, wooing and romancing and drawing by your Spirit would have an understanding of how much your heart longs simply for them. Not what they do; not what they can bring to the table; but them! You long to be in a love relationship with them. As that flourishes, may they stand in awe of the blessings that follow as they embark on their "becoming" journey- becoming who it is you've always known they could be. I love you, Jesus.